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Welcome to PAJ GPS Blog

Global Positioning System: What Does GPS Stand For?

GPS stands for “global positioning system.” But what is it? How does it work? And

6 Best Valentine’s Gift Ideas from PAJ in 2025

Love is in the air, and it is time to celebrate love. Yes, we are

5 Top tips to use your dipped headlights and when to use them

Table of Contents Driving involves knowing how to use different components in a car along

Relocating with Confidence: Keeping Track of Your Kids in a New Environment with GPS Technology

Table of Contents Relocating is a big deal. Can everyone say they’re relocating with confidence?

Can dogs eat celery?

Cooking with a dog friend in your house is exciting. You will hear lots of

How Much Does It Cost to Microchip a Dog in the UK?

Microchipping is enforced by law in the UK to ensure pets’ safety and protection. Every

How to check a microchip in a pet

Table of Contents Microchips on Pets is just like a name tag in digital form.

Dogs and Fireworks: How to make it easier for your dog through the Christmas Season

For majority of dog owners, dogs and fireworks are two terms that shouldnt meet. Festive

5 Best Christmas Presents​ from PAJ GPS

The end-of-year holiday season has finally arrived, and we are happy to share our Christmas