Can dogs eat celery?

pitbull dog lying under dinner table

Cooking with a dog friend in your house is exciting. You will hear lots of paw movements and slurping in the background. As soon as you turn around to them those waits turns in to excitement. For some furry friends it is just long stare at your back until you turn back and give them something to taste. The stories and experiences go on and on and pet parents has funny and peculiar behaviour to share with everyone when cooking with their dog. We may give them a piece of bread or meat just to give a taste of what’s on the menu. Today we are going to talk about one particular item that is on our menu to know whether it is good idea to feed it to the dogs – The Celery

Know your veggie – The fibre rich celery

Celery is used in many veg and non veg dishes. Raw celery has 95% water, 3% Carbohydrate, 0.7% Protein and it contains negligible fat. It is also rich source of vitamin K. It is Fiber rich in nature. In hot countries such as India, the seed of the celery plant is used for medicinal purposes. It is a great natural medicine for constipation.

Feeding celery to dogs – Pros and Cons

Understanding dogs stomach ease up selecting food for them. Dog are carnivorous animals and their stomach is enriched with enzymes and bacteria’s that decomposes raw meats. Even if it is good or bad meat, dogs can digest it in normal scenarios. But indoor dogs may not have such strong stomach because of the lack of bacteria in their stomach. This is because of the food habit they followed from the day they were born. So, pet parents must be careful when introducing new food items to the dogs.

Veggies especially celeries are not a favourite item for most of the dogs but some consume it anyway. To digest vegetation, dogs must culminate bacteria’s that help to digest vegetation. These bacteria are commonly found in bellies of cows and other herbivore animals. So, a small amount veggies like celery is good in dog’s diet provided it has the stomach capacity to digest it.

Also, if your dog is having constipation, you could try celery in their diet because of its fibrous flesh. Since celery contains vitamins and carbs which is essential for all animals, a small amount of celery in dogs’ diet do not possess any harm to dogs.

But if it gets too much of celery every day which is an unlikely event, will cause some health problems. The primary problem would be kidney issues. As dog receives too much of vitamin K, their kidneys will function enormously to excrete these excess vitamins. Like we said before, this is a very extreme case and very unlikely to happen.

In short, it alright to have 1 or 2 pieces of celery of maximum 5 to 10 centimetres long once in a week or in 2 days. One should be careful about the dog’s health after introducing any new food items including vegetables.

Happy cooking with your furry friend.