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Why is GPS tracking important for kids?


Chid protection is paramount given the concerning circumstances around the world. Child’s GPS Tracker is one such device that is designed to keep track of your child’s movement.

What is a Child’s GPS Tracker – Features and Alerts

A tracker device for kids help you to locate your kid’s location in real-time. The device has GPS and network (4G or 2G) connectivity and one can see the location of the device in their mobile/ desktop using the application that comes with it. Surprisingly, you can track the whereabouts of your kid from around the world if the device has wide coverage such as an EASY Finder 4G. Apart from Realtime tracking the child tracker offers other services such as geofencing, speeding alert and SOS function. These alerts provide important information about child’s location.

Once setup the Geofencing you will receive a notification as soon as the child leaves the safe area marked on the map in the portal. This is a smart way to monitor whether your kid always in the places where he/she supposes to be. The speeding alert providing information whether the child is going too fast. Once the safe speed is set up, an alert will be sent to the mobile upon crossing this limit. The SOS alert closely works with the SOS button on the device. The dedicated SOS button on the tracking device trigger the SOS alert upon pressing it. Children’s can use this feature when in need of help.

Another important aspect of the child GPS tracker is its design. It should be small in size. So, the device can fit any small area of the backpack or the pockets. Also, water resistance is important plus point.

How to select a Kids Tracker?

Choosing a Kids GPS tracker needs careful consideration of the device functions and features. A small yet stylish design with a very good network coverage would be an ideal fit. The network coverage is important as it decides how fast the tracker sends the alerts. PAJ’s devices have coverage in over 100 countries and has M2M Sim cards which provides seamless coverage in all terrain.

Another criterion for choosing the best tracker for kids is the alerts available on the device which is explained in the earlier sections. As a bonus tip, we would recommend to take look at the software of the tracking device as well to ensure the app is user friendly and responsive.

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