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Customer Story: Motorhome Successfully retrieved from Theft attempt.

Motorhome in the background and phone in the foreground,

At PAJ, we actively listen to every customer, valuing their feedback and questions. Importantly, our tracker devices have played a crucial role in many incidents, helping customers retrieve their stolen vehicles. Specifically, one such compelling incident occurred in 2023 in Germany, the birthplace of PAJ.

A Family Trip Turned Rescue Mission

One of our customers, whom we’ll call John for privacy, embarked on a motorhome trip with his family. After parking the motorhome outside and resting in a hotel, early in the morning, around 5 a.m., John received a shock alert from his PAJ GPS Power Finder 4G GPS Tracker. Initially, the family was sleeping and missed checking the phone. However, at around 05:04 a.m., John received another alert from the tracker’s geofence setting, indicating that the motorhome had left the predefined safe area. Fortunately, this time, John noticed the alerts.

Rapid Response to Theft

Upon realizing the situation, John rushed to the parking lot. By then, the motorhome had already left and was on the road. At around 05:14 a.m., John received a speeding alert from the tracker. Subsequently, at about 05:41 a.m., the vehicle stopped in a parking lot near a train station. Armed with the tracker in the motorhome, John remained calm and immediately informed the police, sharing the vehicle’s location. By around 06:00 a.m., the police had successfully recovered the vehicle from the parking lot, thankfully undamaged.

Insight into the Theft Operation

Providing further details, the police explained that this incident involved a common theft technique. Two teams executed the operation: one team scouted for potential vehicles and cooling spots to park them. After identifying the vehicle and a cooling spot, about 30 km from the original location, the second team performed the theft and moved the vehicle there. The vehicle would then stay parked for 2-3 weeks. In this case, the thieves would have advanced to their next step if the vehicle remained unnoticed. Contrary to common internet myths, the police confirmed that jammers were not used, often due to the high cost and complexity of such technology.

The situation lasted no more than an hour. Significantly, the tracker’s various alerts and real-time tracking were instrumental in the swift recovery of the motorhome.

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