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How to check a microchip in a pet

Dog on the street without tag or lead

Table of Contents

Microchips on Pets is just like a name tag in digital form. It contains important data such as pet owners name, address etc. Dogs and cats often get microchipped to help them return back to home. The microchip scanner is the device to read this chip and compare the data in the directory.

When you find a dog or a cat wandering around your neighbourhood or accidently on your property, it is important to check if the pet has microchip in their body because how wholesome would it be to see a pet owner reunites with their loved one.

Why pet’s need microchip?

Microchips are digital tags and it remains with them throughout their lifespan and hidden from outside world. The primary use is to help the pet to return back to the owner after being found by someone. It is totally different from GPS Tracker for dogs or cats because of its functionality and use.

Having a microchip in your pet’s body increases the chances of recovery if the pet went missing for some reason. Pet theft is also a major concern for owners to get their pet microchipped. In this way they can easily claim their pet. On the very unlike events, you could use the microchip to verify if it is really your pet while returning back from a pet show or a pet daycare centre. For the new pet owners, it is recommended to have your pet microchipped especially for exotic pets to avoid so many unwanted situations explained earlier.

How does microchip works?

Pet microchips are small tube-like devices that is thinner than the needle and have the length of 10 to 11mm. It works using the RFID technology similar to the one used in credit cards that support Tap and Pay. You need the help of a certified vet to administer the microchip on dog’s body. Usually, it is an injection under the skin of the dog.
Although microchips are provided by private companies, the database has been maintained by enforcing government laws. After purchase, the pet owners need to register the device using the details of their pet before administering it to the pet.

If anyone find a dog randomly on the street, they could check for microchip on the dog’s body by using a chip scanner. Then they will receive a unique code along with the data base owner’s info. By contacting the database owner with the unique code, you have from the dog’s chip you would able to help the lost dog return to their home.

How to check a chip in a pet?

By using the help of a professional

Checking for a microchip often takes less than few minutes if you have the right tools. In case you don’t have the microchip reader you could take the dog to vet and they can arrange a check up for you. Upon scanning the pet, a unique code displayed on the screen. From there the vet do the search in the linked database of the microchip and contact them to inform the good news. It is also vet’s responsibility to inform the owner using the details he got from the microchip.

By using a microchip reader

As a pet parent, it is nice to have a microchip reader because only a pet parent would understand how stressful it is to lose your loved one. There is universal microchip readers available in the market. These devices are operated in battery and hand held. It only takes few mins to detect the unique code and the database in which this microchip is linked to.

What to do after the check?

After you have completed the microchip check on pet’s body you need to contact the company that manages the database and inform them the unique code that you have received from the chip reader. This helps them to identify the owner and contact them to inform the good news. They will record your location and address to have an easy transport of the pet.

If there is nothing showed up on the chip reader, you might want to look for other clues such as the name tag and tattoos. Once you have made all the efforts for locating the pet owner and it end up empty then you can consider adopting the pet.

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