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Please follow these simple steps:
1. Activate your device
• Choose a subscription duration
• Select a service package (optional)
• Make payment
Activate now
2. Connect your device
• Connect device to vehicle`s battery
Instructions for motorcycles:
3. Locate your device
• Download the FINDER Portal App
• Access the FINDER Portal through your desktop browser
FAQ – VEHICLE Finder 4G 2.0
What do the LED indicators on the VEHICLE Finder 4G 2.0 signify? Orange LED – GSM status Signal Meaning The orange LED is blinking There is no available GSM signal The orange LED is off The GPS Tracker is in standby mode or switched off The orange LED is fixed A GSM signal is available
Blue LED – GPS status Signal Meaning The blue LED is blinking There is no available GPS signal The blue LED is off The GPS Tracker is in standby mode or switched off The blue LED is fixed A GPS signal is available
Why aren't the alarms activating?
Ensure your device has a stable network connection & perform a power cycle by turning the device on and off.If it still doesn’t work please contact our support team .
Why won't the battery charge? Try using a different wall plug or charging cable, and ensure to turn on and off the device as part of the troubleshooting process
Our In-House Customer Service Team will be happy to assist you with any questions related to your product.
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